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JOHKASOU: Japan’s Advanced on-
Site Wastewater Treatment

  • To meet the water treatment needs in the Middle East, 4ELEMENTS has committed itself to offering optimal water treatment solutions by utilizing all the technologies, and expertise available.
  • 4ELEMENTS now unveils a package incorporating Japan’s advanced water treatment engineering expertise which has been refined through many years of experience in building water treatment plants.
  • Customers, who are dedicated to building environmentally friendly communities and lifestyles for befitting the 21st century, choose Johkasou.
Tank for Purifying
  • Johkasou is a sophisticated treatment system that uses anaerobic, aerobic and disinfectant processes to render blackwater (that bears human excreta) and/or greywater (from kitchens and sinks) relatively harmless and clean. Johkasou system was introduced in Japan in 1911 and developed rapidly in 1960s to meet the high demand for clean water.
Difference between Septic Tank and Johkasou
  • In many countries, septic tanks as anaerobic digesters are still built for domestic wastewater treatment. Johkasou uses Japan’s original method, which combines aerobic, anaerobic, filtration, and disinfection treatments


Kubota now unveils a package incorporating its advanced water treatment engineering expertise, which has been refined through many years of experience in building water treatment plants. Optimal water treatment solutions are available in locations and in sizes customers require. Kubota’s “plant package” is sure to serve as the key concept of combined wastewater treatment tanks.


This wastewater treatment tank is designed for individual homes and vacation homes to small-scale stores and flats. It is a standard product.

KZ series
  • 1.0~2.0 m3/day
  • Moving bed contact aeration circulation method
HCZ series
  • 2.8~10.0 m3/day
  • Sedimentation-separation anaerobic filter moving bed process

LARGE Johkasou

For various uses, including large-scale plants, public facilities and apartment buildings. It is custom-made according to the facility’s demands.

MBBR type
  • 10 m3/day~
  • Peak-cut flow solid-liquid separation anaerobic filter moving bed media filter process & Flow equalization type moving bed media filter process
MBR type
  • 5 m3/day~
  • Membrane bioreactor process

TERTIARY Treatment

Optional advanced treatment for Johkasou system and the effluent improvement for existing STP. The final treatment for effluent polishing to remove remained SS and BOD from the secondary treatment. By adopting high performance carrier media, compactness has been achieved and the workability has been greatly improved.

HCAT series
  • 2.8 m3/day~above
  • Any STP systems can be attached for effluent polish
  • Tertiary treatment

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In the face of mounting water scarcity and environmental concerns, the adoption of smart irrigation systems represents a significant step towards achieving water efficiency and sustainability. By integrating cutting-edge technology.

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